Monday, September 30, 2019

Macbeth †Character assessment Essay

The 3 witches have told Macbeth that he will become king. He tells this news to his wife, Lady Macbeth . She starts plotting the murder of Duncan, the king of Scotland. A messenger then arrives at Dunsinane telling her that Duncan will be visiting them that evening. In this scene Macbeth kills Duncan. Setting This play takes place on stage. The play is set in 1600’s in the Scottish Highlands. The stage is bare apart from a bench, a bucket and well, there is a backdrop of the castle at the rear of the stage. Character Profiles Macbeth Stunned at what he has just done Angry – with both himself and Lady Macbeth Becomes quite hysterical Pure shock Lady Macbeth Evil voice Devious Cunning Calm throughout 4th witch very clever & Very evil A soft blue light falls onto the stage with a white spot light on Lady Macbeth, the light including spot light turns green during Lady Macbeth’s speech. Lady Macbeth sits on bench at stage rear holding a pure black cat. (A black cat is connected with witches, Lady Macbeth is the 4th witch). Lady Macbeth starts to say her speech in an evil, cold, powerful, crackle of a voice. Here she will be talking to her cat rather than herself. Here she talks of the fatal bellman, this signifies death. An organ is playing in the background (organs are played at funerals, and signify death, a murder has just taken place). Macbeth backs onto the stage very slowly almost in a trance. He turns to face Lady Macbeth â€Å"I have done the deed.† – saying this like in complete shock but realisation as much to himself as to Lady Macbeth. Macbeth: â€Å"Did though not hear a noise?† Lady Macbeth: â€Å"The owl scream and the crickets cry† (Elizabethans would know These things represented Death) Lady Macbeth: Did thou not speak? Quick, Macbeth: When? Panicky, Lady Macbeth: Now. Shows Macbeth: As I descended? Nerves, Lady Macbeth: Ay. and. Macbeth: Hark! tension Who lies in the 2nd chamber? Lady Macbeth: Donalbain Macbeth: This is a sorry sight! (angry, shouting, he sees the blood). Lady Macbeth: A foolish thought to say (trying to calm him whilst putting her cat Down). Macbeth is now slumped on the floor with his head in his hands saying lines 21-25. Remaining slumped he says lines 26-30, but this time in a whisper. In these lines Macbeth talks about sleep. Only innocence is allowed to sleep, Macbeth cannot sleep anymore, for he is now evil. â€Å"Macbeth shall sleep no more!† Macbeth also talks about not being able to say amen, this is because he is no longer holy. Lady Macbeth stands to his right looking down on him, this shows her power over him. She says â€Å"Consider it not so deeply.† In an impatient, and almost dismissive voice. Macbeth: â€Å"Sleep no more Macbeth does murder sleep!† Lady Macbeth: â€Å"Why have you got these daggers? They must rest by Duncan.† Lady Macbeth grabs the daggers. Macbeth is afraid to go back to Duncan’s chamber, for he cannot bear to look at what he has done. â€Å"If Duncan do bleed then I shall place the daggers in the arms of the guards, for it will seem their guilt!† she says this in an evil yet excited whisper. Exits stage left, running. Her evil and cunning nature has now been fully exposed to the audience. (A loud knocking is heard, the knocking comes from speakers all around the theatre, so the audience is surrounded by the knocking). Macbeth: Is in complete hysteria cries line 59-60. The blood is represented by long red ribbons attached to his finger tips and his clothes. He walks over to the well and tries to wash the blood from his hands. â€Å"All Neptune’s great oceans could not wash these hands clean.† Neptune is God of water, so here Macbeth is saying all the water in the world could not wash the blood away. I think he was trying to wash away his crime and his guilt by getting rid of the blood, as this was just a visual reminder of the wrong he had done. He pretends to throw the blood stained water over the floor. A watery red light appears on the stage floor rippling with waves. Lady Macbeth appears back on stage with her hands out in front of her, her hands and clothing are soaked with blood (red ribbons). She holds her hands up to Macbeth’s face, he turns away from her. She starts to speak in an evil, cold, and angry voice â€Å"my hands are of your colour , but I shame to wear a heart so white.† The knocking starts again. Lady Mabeth spins around in a sudden panic, â€Å"I hear knocking!† Lady Macbeth says the rest of her speech in the same quick startled tone. This is the only time in the scene where LM shows her nerves. Macbeth in complete hysteria with tears running down his cheeks â€Å"Wake Duncan with your knocking, I would thou couldst!† At this point M’s weakness is most apparent, at this point I feel that he would be ready to confess all. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth exit stage right. Lady Macbeth now calm again, strides off confidently. Macbeth crawls off on his hands and knees. This shows the difference between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, Macbeth is remorseful, guilt ridden and hysterical with disbelief. Lady Macbeth on the other hand is confident, calm, excited, and seems completely unfazed by the fact that she has helped murder her king. Her power over him is enormous, and makes you wonder whether Macbeth was in a trance to even be able to comprehend killing his king let alone actually doing it. At the end of the scene the lights suddenly go out the theatre is pitch black.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Part Four Chapter I

Lunacy 5.11 At common law, idiots are subject to a permanent legal incapacity to vote, but persons of unsound mind may vote during lucid intervals. Charles Arnold-Baker Local Council Administration, Seventh Edition I Samantha Mollison had now bought herself all three of the DVDs released by Libby's favourite boy band. She kept them hidden in her socks and tights drawer, beside her diaphragm. She had her story ready, if Miles spotted them: they were a gift for Libby. Sometimes at work, where business was slower than ever, she searched the internet for pictures of Jake. It was during one of these trawling sessions – Jake in a suit but with no shirt, Jake in jeans and a white vest – that she discovered that the band was playing at Wembley in a fortnight's time. She had a friend from university who lived in West Ealing. She could stay over, sell it to Libby as a treat, a chance to spend time together. With more genuine excitement than she had felt in a long time, Samantha managed to buy two very expensive tickets for the concert. When she let herself into the house that evening, she glowed with a delicious secret, almost as though she were coming home from a date. Miles was already in the kitchen, still in his work suit, with the phone in his hand. He stared at her as she entered, and his expression was strange, difficult to read. ‘What?' said Samantha, a little defensively. ‘I can't get hold of Dad,' said Miles. ‘His bloody phone's engaged. There's been another post.' And when Samantha looked nonplussed, he said with a trace of impatience, ‘Barry Fairbrother's Ghost! Another message! On the council website!' ‘Oh,' said Samantha, unwinding her scarf. ‘Right.' ‘Yeah, I met Betty Rossiter just now, coming up the street; she was full of it. I've checked the message board, but I can't see it. Mum must've taken it down already – well, I bloody hope she has, she'll be in the firing line if Bends-Your-Ear goes to a lawyer.' ‘About Parminder Jawanda, was it?' asked Samantha, her tone deliberately casual. She did not ask what the accusation had been, first, because she was determined not to be a nosy, gossiping old bag like Shirley and Maureen, and secondly, because she thought she already knew: that Parminder had caused the death of old Cath Weedon. After a moment or two, she asked, sounding vaguely amused, ‘Did you say your mother might be in the firing line?' ‘Well, she's the site administrator, so she's liable if she doesn't get rid of defamatory or potentially defamatory statements. I'm not sure she and Dad understand how serious this could be.' ‘You could defend your mother, she'd like that.' But Miles had not heard; he was pressing redial and scowling, because his father's mobile was still engaged. ‘This is getting serious,' he said. ‘You were all quite happy when it was Simon Price who was getting attacked. Why's this any different?' ‘If it's a campaign against anyone on the council, or standing for council †¦' Samantha turned away to hide her grin. His concern was not about Shirley after all. ‘But why would anyone write stuff about you?' she asked innocently. ‘You haven't got any guilty secrets.' You might be more bloody interesting if you had. ‘What about that letter?' ‘What letter?' ‘For God's – Mum and Dad said there was a letter, an anonymous letter about me! Saying I wasn't fit to fill Barry Fairbrother's shoes!' Samantha opened the freezer and stared at the unappetizing contents, aware that Miles could no longer see her expression with the door open. ‘You don't think anyone's got anything on you, do you?' she asked. ‘No – but I'm a lawyer, aren't I? There might be people with a grudge. I don't think this kind of anonymous stuff †¦ I mean, so far it's all about the other side, but there could be reprisals †¦ I don't like the way this thing's going.' ‘Well, that's politics, Miles,' said Samantha, openly amused. ‘Dirty business.' Miles stalked out of the room, but she did not care; her thoughts had already returned to chiselled cheekbones, winged eyebrows and taut, tight abdominal muscles. She could sing along with most of the songs now. She would buy a band T-shirt to wear – and one for Libby too. Jake would be undulating mere yards away from her. It would be more fun than she had had in years. Howard, meanwhile, was pacing up and down the closed delicatessen with his mobile phone clamped to his ear. The blinds were down, the lights were on, and through the archway in the wall Shirley and Maureen were busy in the soon-to-be-opened cafe, unpacking china and glasses, talking in excited undertones and half listening to Howard's almost monosyllabic contributions to his conversation. ‘Yes †¦ mm, hmm †¦ yes †¦' ‘Screaming at me,' said Shirley. ‘Screaming and swearing. â€Å"Take it bloody down,† she said. I said, â€Å"I'm taking it down, Dr Jawanda, and I'll thank you not to swear at me.†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ ‘I'd've left it up there for another couple of hours if she'd sworn at me,' said Maureen. Shirley smiled. As it happened, she had chosen to go and make herself a cup of tea, leaving the anonymous post about Parminder up on the site for an extra forty-five minutes before removing it. She and Maureen had already picked over the topic of the post until it was ragged and bare; there was plenty of scope for further dissection, but the immediate urge was sated. Instead, Shirley looked ahead, greedily, to Parminder's reaction to having her secret spilt in public. ‘It can't have been her who did that post about Simon Price, after all,' said Maureen. ‘No, obviously not,' said Shirley, as she wiped over the pretty blue and white china that she had chosen, overruling Maureen's preference for pink. Sometimes, though not directly involved in the business, Shirley liked to remind Maureen that she still had huge influence, as Howard's wife. ‘Yes,' said Howard, on the telephone. ‘But wouldn't it be better to †¦? Mm, hmm †¦' ‘So who do you think it is?' asked Maureen. ‘I really don't know,' said Shirley, in a genteel voice, as though such knowledge or suspicions were beneath her. ‘Someone who knows the Prices and the Jawandas,' said Maureen. ‘Obviously,' said Shirley again. Howard hung up at last. ‘Aubrey agrees,' he told the two women, waddling through into the cafe. He was clutching today's edition of the Yarvil and District Gazette. ‘Very weak piece. Very weak indeed.' It took the two women several seconds to recollect that they were supposed to be interested in the posthumous article by Barry Fairbrother in the local newspaper. His ghost was so much more interesting. ‘Oh, yes; well, I thought it was very poor when I read it,' said Shirley, hurriedly catching up. ‘The interview with Krystal Weedon was funny,' guffawed Maureen. ‘Making out she enjoyed art. I suppose that's what she calls graffiti-ing the desks.' Howard laughed. As an excuse to turn her back, Shirley picked up Andrew Price's spare EpiPen from the counter, which Ruth had dropped into the delicatessen that morning. Shirley had looked up EpiPens on her favourite medical website, and felt fully competent to explain how adrenalin worked. Nobody asked, though, so she put the small white tube away in the cupboard and closed the door as noisily as she could to try and disrupt Maureen's further witticisms. The phone in Howard's huge hand rang. ‘Yes, hello? Oh, Miles, yes †¦ yes, we know all about it †¦ Mum saw it this morning †¦' He laughed. ‘Yes, she's taken it down †¦ I don't know †¦ I think it was posted yesterday †¦ Oh, I wouldn't say that †¦ we've all known about Bends-Your-Ear for years †¦' But Howard's jocularity faded as Miles talked. After a while he said, ‘Ah †¦ yes, I see. Yes. No, I hadn't considered it from †¦ perhaps we should get someone to have a look at security †¦' The sound of a car in the darkening square outside went virtually unremarked by the three in the delicatessen, but its driver noticed the enormous shadow of Howard Mollison moving behind the cream blinds. Gavin put his foot down, eager to get to Mary. She had sounded desperate on the telephone. ‘Who's doing this? Who's doing it? Who hates me this much?' ‘Nobody hates you,' he had said. ‘Who could hate you? Stay there †¦ I'm coming over.' He parked outside the house, slammed the door and hurried up the footpath. She opened the front door before he had even knocked. Her eyes were puffy with tears again, and she was wearing a floor-length woollen dressing gown that dwarfed her. It was not at all seductive; the very antithesis of Kay's scarlet kimono, but its homeliness, its very shabbiness, represented a new level of intimacy. Mary's four children were all in the sitting room. Mary gestured him through into the kitchen. ‘Do they know?' he asked her. ‘Fergus does. Somebody at school told him. I've asked him not to tell the others. Honestly, Gavin †¦ I'm about at the end of my tether. The spite – ‘ ‘It isn't true,' he said, and then, his curiosity getting the better of him, ‘is it?' ‘No!' she said, outraged. ‘I mean †¦ I don't know †¦ I don't really know her. But to make him talk like that †¦ putting the words in his mouth †¦ don't they care what it's like for me?' She dissolved into tears again. He felt that he shouldn't hug her while she was wearing her dressing gown, and was glad that he had not, when eighteen-year-old Fergus entered the kitchen a moment later. ‘Hey, Gav.' The boy looked tired, older than his years. Gavin watched him put an arm around Mary and saw her lean her head against his shoulder, mopping her eyes on her baggy sleeve like a child. ‘I don't think it was the same person,' Fergus told them, without preamble. ‘I've been looking at it again. The style of the message is different.' He had it on his mobile phone, and began to read aloud: ‘†Parish Councillor Dr Parminder Jawanda, who pretends to be so keen on looking after the poor and needy of the area, has always had a secret motive. Until I died – â€Å"‘ ‘Fergus, don't,' said Mary, slumping down at the kitchen table. ‘I can't take it. I honestly can't. And his article in the paper today too.' As she covered her face with her hands and sobbed silently, Gavin noticed the Yarvil and District Gazette lying there. He never read it. Without asking or offering, he moved across to the cupboard to make her a drink. ‘Thanks, Gav,' she said thickly, when he pushed the glass into her hand. ‘It might be Howard Mollison,' suggested Gavin, sitting down beside her. ‘From what Barry said about him.' ‘I don't think so,' said Mary, dabbing at her eyes. ‘It's so crude. He never did anything like that when Barry was -‘ she hiccuped ‘- alive.' And then she snapped at her son, ‘Throw that paper away, Fergus.' The boy looked confused and hurt. ‘It's got Dad's – ‘ ‘Throw it away!' said Mary, with an edge of hysteria in her voice. ‘I can read it off the computer if I want to, the last thing he ever did – on our anniversary!' Fergus took the newspaper off the table and stood for a moment watching his mother, who had buried her face in her hands again. Then, with a glance at Gavin, he walked out of the room still holding the Gazette. After a while, when Gavin judged that Fergus was not coming back, he put out a consoling hand and rubbed Mary's arm. They sat in silence for some time, and Gavin felt much happier with the newspaper gone from the table.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ben and Biff’s

In Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, the character Biff is the son of Willy Loman, the protagonist. The character Ben is Willy’s brother. They are very different but they share some similarities. Biff is real, in the sense that he appears in the play in the present, while Ben is a hallucination and a product of Willy’s delusions, appearing in an alternate time-line. Biff is Willy’s hope for the future and a symbol of his own lost hopes and dreams. Ben is a paragon of success and a standard for which Willy strives.Barron’s Booknotes says of Ben, â€Å"From the moment we see Ben he turns out to be a highly idealized figure, for Willy’s memory turns him into a god,† (Miller, Williams, Paul 1984 p 21). Both characters further the plot but Ben is more purely a rhetorical device that helps to drive the play by allowing the audience a glimpse inside the mind of Willy Loman in a way that would be difficult otherwise. Both Biff and Ben are adept at taking Willy’s mind off his own problems.He goes into a sort of hallucinatory trance and speaks to both characters when he is troubled. Sometimes these conversations are rehashes of conversations past and sometimes they are conversations carried on as Willy wishes they had been. Willy remembers conversations with his brother that never happened. He believes that his brother is the success that he is not and the success that he wants his son to be so he wants Ben to explain the secrets of making a fortune.Both Ben and Biff are amoral and have virtually no social values. Biff is willing to steal and goes out of his way to take a pen as a sort of trophy to show he is superior to someone to whom he actually is subservient. Ben knocks down his nephew Biff in a fight and then tells him that is ok to cheat and do anything necessary to win against a stranger. â€Å"Ben, patting Biff’s knee: Never fight fair with a stranger, boy. You’ll never get out of th e jungle that way,† (Act I p 49).Biff’s mother does not like this advice but Biff obviously believes that it is a good motto to live by. His father, Willy, then instructs him to steal material from a construction site. Biff and Ben both seem to think that the end justifies whatever means is used to achieve their goals. Ben shows that he is proud of Biff for being a thief. He praises Biff for having the courage to steal from the construction site, showing he is not afraid. Biff comes to realize his father is a failure at life and his idea of how to achieve dreams is not logical.Biff is more like his Uncle Ben, who treats him as the person he really is and not like the image that he wants to create, as his father does, living on imagined past glory. The characters of Biff and Ben are used by Miller to allow Willy to vent his rage and frustration. They both give Willy Loman an opportunity to address the audience. It shows he is losing his grasp of reality, of course, but m ore so, it gives Miller the opportunity to advance the themes of the play in a direct way. He is not ‘dime-a-dozen’, he is Willy Loman, Miller has him say.Ben and Biff both say things to Willy that makes Linda, his wife, try to protect him. â€Å"Linda, frightened of Ben and angry at him: Don’ t say those things to him. (He is doing) well enough to be happy right here. Right now,† (Act II p 8). They say things that she doesn’t want Willy to have to deal with. Both Ben and Biff are characters that have a close relationship with Willy even though Willy doesn’t really know either of them. He is lost in his own world. Ben is more the realist than is Willy. He is a man who does not live in the past.He grabs what he wants and makes it his own. Biff at last loses his rose-colored glasses and accepts his uncle’s view of the life. He sees that he is more like his uncle than he realized and that he is nothing like his father. He at last understa nds that his father is a loser and a tragedy. References Miller, A. , Weales, G. Death of a Salesman New York: Penguin Group 1977 Miller, A. , Williams, L. and Paul, K. Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman (Barron’s Booknotes) Hauppauge, N. Y. : Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. Copyright 1984

Friday, September 27, 2019

Biotechnology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Biotechnology - Essay Example In the paper, Dickos (2011) gives a detail account of the background of the science behind the various genetic engineered animals. The current regulatory framework existing through agencies like FDA is examined and exhorts that its authority to regulate new animal drugs (NADs) should be fully implemented. The paper examines the problems with the current regulatory scheme in the light of three recent examples concerning the GE animals. Starting with the first commercial GE food the Flavr Savr tomato in 1994, human beings have manipulated the genetic makeup of more than 60 plants and animals to introduce both agriculturally beneficial traits like disease and pest resistance and also for nutritional benefits like modified oil in soybean. While GE organisms opens up innumerable benefits including mass production of beneficial hormones and proteins and increasing the nutritional value of the product, Dickos (2011) also warns the risk of unintended effects of the manipulated genes which ca n result in the formation of changed metabolites and also health risks like toxicity, environmental risk and can prove to be harmful for the animal itself. The paper provides the case study of three GE animals the GloFish as pet, the ATryn Goat as drug and, the AquAdvantage Salmon as food provide prime examples for evaluating FDA’s 2009 Guidance and it also raises the concern of non-labeling of GE products by FDA. Dick also provides necessary recommendation for proper governance of development and use of GE animals and products. A similar article about the development of genetically modified cows to produce healthier milk was reported in The Telegraph (2012, June 17) by Richard Gray. Genetically modified cow capable of producing milk which can be consumed even by people with lactose intolerance and a second animal whose milk

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Fire service administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fire service administration - Essay Example In many cases, such fire may spread to the other households if it is not dealt with in time. For this reason, an education program would be set to educate people in my community concerning the dangers of fire due to electrical appliances and open fire. This program will help in reducing the cases of fire within the community. The key targets with the risk reduction education program are women of ages between 18 and 40. This is so because, this category of individuals are mostly involved with the electrical appliances and they are known to be exposed to candles. This means that women of ages between 18 and 40 do handle all the electrical cooking appliances at home. There are, therefore, the most vulnerable groups of individuals. If these individuals are educated on how to handle the electrical appliances and identify open fires, so as to avoid fires, then a greater magnitude of the fires would be reduced. By the end of this program, all the participants of the program would be able to identify the open fires. The participants would also be able to handle the electrical appliances with care so as to avoid the possibility of any fires. Additionally, the participants of the program would be able to identify the dangers of fire to an individual and the community. According to the prior research into the fire cases in this community, the major cause of fire is due to electrical appliances and open fires. In the past ten years, the fire department has responded to over 1,389500 fires (Chaloner 5). The effect of these fires is that it resulted into about 3000 civilian deaths, 1700 injuries to civilians, and approximately $ 12 billion of damaged properties. These fires were found to be structure fires (Wellman 12). This problem is experienced by all the residents of this community since they face devastating fire effects in their businesses, and homes. The cost involved in cleaning up and building back after the occurrence of a fire is equally monumental (Begon 33).

Postmodernism and Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Postmodernism and Media - Research Paper Example It would be the harmonious sequencing of details to emerge as one. Postmodernism has influenced some if not all forms of the arts whether performed or written. Others may perceive that postmodernism, in the more modern and in some technological aspect, to be affecting the social media as it could be affecting or contravening the classical capitalism. In this sense, though there is a harmonious mixture of transformation, there are also events that may have affected other aspects of the economy, government or the media itself.2 A theory of postmodernism said to have pronounced the â€Å"end of the real.† With the aim of postmodernist to infuse transformations, it did not claim any exclusion therefore media is not excluded from these changes. A concern that can be brought about this is that the public would be given a very hard task of knowing what is real and what is not. Though this will bring out the instincts and curiosity of the audience, people often have a tendency to beli eve more what is seen rather than what is yet to be discovered through rigorous reading and investigation. There can be various reasons and objectives as to why and what transformations and complexities postmodernism introduce to various media forms.Before, the only thing which could be fictional is the story of a particular movie or series. With the availability of technology, currently it is also possible that the characters in these forms of media can a fictional or an animated one. Maybe during the first few years or decades of postmodernism, the audience were giving their full attention as to knowing what new ideas or innovations would be brought up. This could be the negative effect of technology not just in media but even with postmodernism. As time passes by, people have seen what technology can do to a movie or a series since none of the two are broadcasted or aired live. The film could have been edited, recorded and re-recorded a hundred times. There are instances that the editions and transformations made to the film makes it quite similar to other films earlier produced. This could affect the attention-span of the viewers.5 As Jameson further stated, â€Å"the analogy between media and market is in fact cemented by this mechanism: it is not because the media is like a market that the two things are comparable; rather it is because the â€Å"market† is as unlike its â€Å"concept† (or Platonic idea) as the media is unlike its own concept that the two things are comparable. The media offers free programs with which the consumer has no choice on the content and assortment whatsoever but the selection is then rebaptized â€Å"free choice.†6 Believing what is seen is more convenient for some rather than reading an endless text which could lead no nothingness and further cluelessness. Though the audiences are more intelligent in comparison to audiences from previous decades, there are still those who could not distinguish what is re al and what is not. For some, media will always be the same but not for Bignell as he classified media to be old and new. Elaborating on this idea, Bignell stated that â€Å"

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A constitution is a document that seeks to legitimise state power, but Essay

A constitution is a document that seeks to legitimise state power, but to do this properly it should also act as a restraint on state power. Those are the only functions of a constitiution. Discuss - Essay Example nstitutions date back to the era of Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 – 322 B.C) described the constitution as â€Å"an organization of offices in a state, by which the method of their distribution is fixed, the sovereign authority is determined, and the nature of the end to be pursued by the association and all its members is prescribed. Laws, as distinct from the frame of the constitution, are the rules by which the magistrates should exercise their powers, and should watch and check transgressors†.2 The central role of the constitution of any sovereign state is unquestionable. Not only does a constitution seek to legitimize power but also, it grants the scope for good governance. The challenge arises in the enabling the government with the jurisdiction to mange the government, because it is drafted by men, for men. It is imperative that the governors of the constitution are bestowed with limited power. This concept of power separation is instrumental to constitutionalism. James Madison states that â€Å"The great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed: and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.† 3 Constitutions are designed to portray a sense of ultimate power control all the while granting legitimacy and authority. For example, the constitution should accord the state with the capacity to curb anti-social behaviour. A constitution is ensures that there is no abuse of powers by any given individual or institution because the constitution provides with the necessary mechanism to define what constitutes as a violation. Power separation is effected through the separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers and created a sense of checks and balances4. John Locke, in Separationof Powers iinsts that the legislature is the most superior arm. He says

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Child Soldier Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Child Soldier - Research Paper Example They end up being victims of trauma due to exposure to violence; they are deprived of education are at risk of ending up as child soldiers (Ozerdem & Podde, 13). There is a high probability that children who live in conflict areas get deprived of basic needs such as food, shelter and medical attention. To add on to this, the issue of relief for children tends to be given the last priority when in war. This results in insufficient or zero protection for minors. Due to their physical constitution and growth, children are most vulnerable to being deprived of basic needs such as food and medical assistance and this has a severe impact on how they develop. Since 1998, armed conflicts that involve child soldiers have been recorded in at least 36 countries (Child soldiers; global report 2004). The traumatic scars that are left on these children are just one out of many post war problems that face such countries. There are other problems such as food shortages, refugees and mourning for rela tives lost in the war. Former Child Soldiers are in most cases forgotten about and if remembered it will be for the purposes of blaming them for the war. Children who come from families that are poor and disadvantaged and who may be seeking for a sense of belonging, physical support or revenge for losing their families are particularly vulnerable to exploitation in periods of conflict. In some cases, children are kidnapped and forcefully trained to become fighters. Estimates indicate that in the last 15 years the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) alone has kidnapped over 15,000 children from areas around Gulu, northern Uganda (Wessells 35). The targeting of children is deliberate as they are easily manipulated compared to adults and can be made to perform atrocities and crimes without asking questions. The accessibility of light weaponry is also a contributor to child soldiering as it makes it possible for even the very young children to use and bear arms. Efforts made by the Unit ed Nations in naming and shaming governments and rebel groups that do not abide by the international and domestic laws that uphold children’s right have had very limited effect in combating this vice. The annual report by the Secretary General lists dozens of groups and several governments that continue to use or recruit children in their armed forces. Africa has the largest number of child soldiers despite the signing of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child in 1999 which is the only regional treaty that outlaws child involvement in armed conflicts in the world (Child soldiers; global report 2004). In 2010, the United Nations together with other rights organizations launched the Zero under 18 Campaign which is aimed at attaining universal ratification of the child rights protocol by the year 2012. The ultimate goal is to ending impunity for those who violate children rights and strengthen enforcement of laws against such violations. Graca Machel (UN 1996 ) states that war is a violation of the right of a child to life and the right to have a family that nurtures and respects the child. Process Analysis The main sources of material used in this research were anecdotal reports and academia journals. These reports gave valuable insight and information on the issue of child soldiers. Relevant literature on the topic was obtained

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business Financing and the Capital SStructure Assignment

Business Financing and the Capital SStructure - Assignment Example This fact ensures that there is no dilution of the company’s ownership. Second, the company is entitled to pay the amount they borrowed plus a predetermined interest. This implies that the company can budget efficiently on how to repay its debt. It does not have to share the future profits of the company in any case the company becomes successful. The interest paid on the debt that the company takes are taxation allowable expenses. This implies that the interests can lower the amount of tax a company pays resulting to it lowering the overall cost of capital. The process of raising debt finance is simple and easy since the company is not entitled to comply with any securities regulations and laws. Lastly, in debt finance the company does not have to hold periodic meetings to explain their various actions to the debt holders. Despite the many advantages that debt finance has, it also has some disadvantages. First, unlike equity, there must be payment of the debt at some point in time creating obligations to the company. Debt financing also come along with fixed costs which at times can be high. High interest costs increases the risk of insolvency of a company especially on difficult financial periods. Lastly, debt financing require companies to pledge their assets as collateral. Equity financing generates large amounts of money which do not require repayment. What the company has to do is to only share a portion of their profits to the new investors who become part of the company. The company can use this non-refundable money to expand their operations or diversify its business to generate future cash flows. Equity finance also helps the company to maintain a low leverage which would increase its chances of getting debt finance in the future. The major disadvantage of equity financing is that the company has to loose part of the ownership of the company to the new investors and they will have to take part

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Literacy and Young People Essay Example for Free

Literacy and Young People Essay The opportunity to apply for a specialist responsibility in supporting literacy development has arisen in your educational environment. For your interview you have been asked to prepare information to show that you can: Literacy means the ability to read and write. Only recently has the word ‘literacy’ been applied as the definitive term for reading and writing, mostly since the introduction of the National Literacy Strategy in schools. The skills of reading and writing complement each other and develop together, it therefore makes sense to use the term ‘literacy’. Reading and writing are forms of communication based on the spoken language. Effective speaking and listening skills are essential in order to develop literacy skills. The progression of literacy skills is a vital aspect of development and learning. Without the ability to read, write and listen children and young people may not be able to function effectively in school, college, university or at work or communicate with others about their ideas and participate fully and safely in the community. Literacy enables children and young people to express themselves creatively and productively. The majority of jobs and careers rely on an element of basic literacy (and numeracy) skills. Literacy is required in our everyday lives, to keep us safe by being able to read signs and follow instructions, read directions, reading newspapers, recipes, food labels, dealing with household finances. Literacy also enables us to progress with technology by being able use computers competently, surfing the internet and being able to read and write emails. As the heart of all learning lies the two key skills, literacy and numeracy. Literacy is possibly the more important of both skills as children and young people need literacy in order to access further curriculum areas, e.g in order to approach a numeracy problem, the question needs to be read and  understood before the answer can begin to be found. The development of literacy is important from an early age for all children and young people. As Teaching Assistants it is likely that we will be supporting children and young people with communication difficulties or other Special Educational Needs which could have an impact on their literacy skills, a situation may also arise where English is not the first language. It is important that children and young people are encouraged to explore the way the English language works, e.g phonics for vocabulary, reading, writing and spelling. This will enable children and young people to gain knowledge to be able to read, write and spell confidently. The learning objectives are associated to 12 strands in literacy to demonstrate progression in each strand. The strands are as follows:- Speak and listen for a wide range of purposes in different contexts 1. Speaking 2. Listening and responding 3. Group discussion and interaction 4. Drama Read and write for a range of purposes on paper and on screen 5. Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) 6. Word Structure and spelling 7. Understanding and interpreting texts 8. Engaging and responding to texts 9. Creating and shaping texts 10. Text structure and organisation 11. Sentence structure and punctuation 12. Presentation Within my setting we aim to encourage children and young people to be able read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding, to be able to orchestrate a full range of reading cues (phonic, graphic, syntactic, contextual) to monitor their read and be able to correct their own mistakes. To understand the sound and spelling system and use this to read and spell accurately, have fluent, legible and cursive handwriting. To have an interest in words and their meanings and a growing vocabulary. To know, understand and be able to write a number of genres in fiction and poetry,  understand and be familiar with some of the ways in which narratives are structured through basic literacy ideas of setting, character and plot. The ability to understand, use and be able to write a range of non-fiction texts, plan, draft, revise and edit their own writing, have a suitable technical vocabulary through which to understand and discuss their reading and writing. Children are encouraged to be interested in books, read with enjoyment and evaluate and justify their preferences. Develop their own powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness through reading and writing. In the Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) Children and young people should be given the opportunity to speak, listen and represent ideas in their activities. Use communication, language and English in every part of the curriculum and to become immersed in an environment rich in print and possibilities for communication. All Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) – Children and young people should learn to speak confidently and listen to what others have to say. They should begin to read and write independently (using phonic knowledge) and with enthusiasm. They should be using language to explore their own experiences and imaginary words. All Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) – Children and young people should learn to change the way they speak and write to suit appr opriate situations, purposes and audiences. They should read a range of texts and respond to different layers of meaning in them. They should explore the use of language in literary and non-literary texts and learn how the structure of language works. Intervention groups are offered in speaking, reading, writing and listening to those children and young people who are under-attaining and booster groups for the more able. Where the pupils performance is significantly below average we will seek specialist provision such as speech therapy, EAL programmes and reading recovery will be accessed as needed. In Key stages 1 and 2, English sessions use the National Strategy unit plans (our own versions) focusing on shared reading, shared and guided writing and producing sustained outcomes. Further lessons are also used for focused activities in phonics, guided reading and comprehension. In Key Stage 1 there is a daily phonics session, daily guided reading and English lesson. There is one discrete handwriting session each week. In additi on to this, there is also a slot used for the development of speaking and listening and the class story. In lower Key Stage 2 there is also a daily phonics session, four guided reading sessions and a daily  English lesson. There is one discrete handwriting session every fortnight. Additionally there is also a slot used for the development of speaking and listening and the class story. In upper Key Stage 2 there is a daily phonics/spelling session, four guided reading sessions and a daily English lesson. There is one discrete handwriting session every fortnight. Additional there is a slot used for the development of speaking and listening and the class story. The monitoring and evaluation of the English policy is the responsibility of the English co-ordinator who is responsible to the head teacher and the governors for the development of English throughout the school. This is to be achieved in a variety of ways: Regular discussions with staff concerning the progress of groups and individuals Involvement in long and medium term planning across the school in English Regular classroom observation and working alongside colleagues to help identify strengths and weaknesses, to provide support to individual staff where appropriate Regular monitoring of resources, planning and children’s work Reviewing of assessment outcomes and data to evaluate the quality of learning in English throughout the school. Checking that within a key stage there is coverage of the full English curriculum in line with national curriculum requirements, the early learning goals and current National Primary Framework objectives (where used) Checking that appropriate opportunities to raise multicultural and gender issues are created and taken Ensure that the time spent on the teaching of English is meeting our pupils needs  Literacy Lessons are the same time each day, afte r morning break time. They are broken down into phonics and spelling, guided reading and English. The lesson starts at 10.45 and finishes at 12.30pm. The children start by gathering on the carpet area to be given an overview of what is happening in the day’s lesson. As a Teaching Assistant a discussion would have taken place with the Class Teacher prior to the lesson taking place to establish the lesson plan and what is expected of you for the lesson. Some Teaching Assistants may have been involved with elements of planning a lesson and able to give their own ideas as to how is the best way to carry out activities. It may be that you work with a designated group of children who have development issues and require more attention. It is important that  the Teaching Assistant works together with the class teach to monitor the progress of pupils in all areas of literacy development. This will usually ensure that the children and young people are focused and able to meet the learning objectives. Some pupils will require more encouragement to participate than others through the use of praise and feedback, whilst identifying any concerns or problems they may have. Monitoring of the children and young people also involves the relaying of information to the Class Teacher in respect of learning objectives and feedback as to how the tasks were managed and how to achieve their goals going forwards. We also carry out intervention activities in my setting where a group of children are taken out of the lesson by a Teaching Assistant to carry out some additional literacy activities to concentrate on tasks such as sounds of letter groups, reading sessions and basic spellings to help improve their literacy development. There are also groups of children who are taken out of lessons 3 times a week to carry out additional reading activities to help improve their reading skills. In our classrooms, we also use a ‘working wall display’ to show the key learning objectives for the terms activities and the pupils are able to use this to assist with their learning independently. Within my setting we also have a reading partners lesson on a Thursday morning where year groups visit other class rooms and read with each other, e.g Year 4 read with reception, Year 3 read with year 1 and year 2 with year 5. This gives children and young people to the chance to gain confidence in reading and speaking in front of other children who are of a different age and more developed. Bibliography Textbooks: Textbooks: Burnham,L, Baker,B (2010) Level 3 Diploma Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools (Primary). Harlow. Heinemann part of Pearson Burnham,L(2002) Brilliant Teaching Assistant. Prentice Hall Kamen, T (2008) 2nd Edition Teaching Assistants Handbook NVQ SVQ Levels 2 3. Maidstone. Hodder Education Primary School Literacy Curriculum Policy overview

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Company Selected Reliance Fresh Information Technology Essay

Company Selected Reliance Fresh Information Technology Essay Especially in this case study is based on identifying the most important external issues IT / Reliance Fresh development company whose business mainly to those who are working in the Reliance Fresh in sales accommodation is based on the internal work  environmental impacts. Introduction Main objective of this case and study to design ecommerce website for company Reliance Fresh which include Customer account, Payment System ,Product information, price comparison, so the customer can buy product or anything directly for their home or work place and get well information about each product and can take review about that form internet database it also include about database which store all customer bank detail so company come to know to whom they give discount for regular customer and customer can buy multiple item at single time. It sends conformation mail to client about bill they paid online. Company Selected Reliance Fresh About Reliance Fresh  a convenient store format is governed by the Mukesh Ambani and is the most important part of Reliance Industries retail Business. Reliance Ltd. has planned to invest more than Rs. 25000 crores in the retail division. It also comprises more than 560 reliance fresh stores all over the country. The outlet sells fresh fruits, staples, dairy products, fresh juice bars, groceries and vegetables. A distinctive Reliance Fresh outlet is around 3000 to 4000 sq. feet and accommodates catchment area of one to three Kilometers. History of Reliance Fresh Reliance Group was established in 1970s. The Reliance Retail was found in the year 2006 as an operating subsidiary, Reliance Retail is a part of the Reliance  Industries  Limited. Reliance industries are actually the largest conglomerate in India. It has an annual turnover of US$35.9 Billion. It is also listed on 206th position in the Fortune Global 500 companies. The company started off as a small textile company around 30 years ago. And now it has expanded vertically and horizontally to be Indias Number 1.  Reliance Retail is actually the retail group of Reliance  Industries  Limited. It has a number of brands like Reliance Time Out, Reliance Digital, and Reliance Wellness. Autozone, Reliance Super, Reliance Mart, Reliance iStore, Reliance Fresh. The Reliance Retail had to face various difficulties before the launch of Reliance fresh, because of the various circumstances prevailing in Orissa, West Bengal and UP, along with the news focusing on the dearth of vegetables and fruits stocks. The retail business of Reliance then minimized its exposure in vegetable and fruit business, as a result established Reliance fresh positioning a pure super market play focusing on various categories like IT, consumer durables, home, FMCG and food. Growth of Reliance Fresh The first ever a Reliance Fresh store was established in Hyderabad, wherein the company, mainly focused on the fresh produced vegetables and fruits at comparatively low price along with an introduction of farm to fork theory. This was the idea, which was anticipated by the company was to take the supply direct from the farmers and then sell straightaway to the consumers removing the middle-men off the beaten track. Reliance introduced several formats in the marketplace to cater to needs of common people, which includes Reliance Fresh, Reliance Super, Reliance Footprint, Reliance Timeout, Reliance Jewels, Reliance wellness, Reliance Mart and Reliance Digital, to name a few. In addition to this, the Reliance Retail also entered into a treaty with Apple, which is a leading Information Technology company, to set up a series of Apple Specialty Outlets branded as IStore, with its first ever store in Bangalore. With an idea to produce inclusive prosperity and growth for farmers, consumers, small shopkeepers and vendor partners, Reliance Retail was set up in order to lead the foray of Reliance Group into an organized retail. Mode of Enquire In general term enquiry means an act of asking information, an official investigation. There are many different method of enquiry (for example, Anti-Deductive, System thinking and Inductive-consensual). Provide a short critique of three different techniques. Your discussion to include the current perspective for each types of enquiry drawn from extant literature. Here also include the strengths, weakness and any assumptions that have to be made when using these different modes of enquiry Here we are taking research on RELIENCE FRESH For this research we are using Inductive-Consensual Enquiry method. First of all in Inductive-Consensual Enquiry method I had done enquiry about the place that at what place its situated, Then after the next was the product of it serves to the customer, then what was the price of it product and how its different form other. Then what type of quality its provided. The value of CRM customer relationship management. The research was very simple because the questioners was simple and it was simply answered. The work of research was speedily because the strategy adopted by RELIENCE FRESH: GIVE FOOD TO CUSTOMET AT LESS PRICE THEN MARKET. By this single course of action it can attract easily, but in this method of enquiry in RELIENCE FTESH many answer of a question will be arise. Inductive-Consensual Enquiry is simple, quick to draw a conclusion and most of the time the conclusion is a usually a single number, a fixed strategy, or a single course of action. Inductive-Consensual Enquiry is that there is a possibility that the conclusion drawn could be subjective and that most of the problems encountered these days have multiple answers. 1.1 Inductive-Consensual Enquiries Inductive-consensual enquiry derives a conclusion from a limited set of observations, which may be:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Analogous à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Historical à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Multiple Independently Sourced 1.1.1 Application of Inductive-Consensual Enquiry The scoring of the Olympic diving competition is an example which employs the use of Inductive-consensual enquiry method. 1.1.2 Advantage of Inductive-Consensual Enquiry Advantage of Inductive-Consensual Enquiry is simple, quick to draw a conclusion and most of the time the conclusion is a usually a single number, a fixed strategy, or a single course of action. 1.1.3 Disadvantage of Inductive-Consensual Enquiry Disadvantage of Inductive-Consensual Enquiry is that there is a possibility that the conclusion drawn could be subjective and that most of the problems encountered these days have multiple answers. 1.2 Dialectic Enquiry Dialectic Enquiry challenges the subjective assumptions, models and theories by which problems are defined and solutions postulated, and it is the debate itself that an objective solution compromise or synthesis will be reached. 1.2.1 Application of Dialectic Enquiry The British system of parliamentary democracy is an example which employs the use of the dialectic enquiry which probes deeply into issues and acts as a practical decision making tool. 1.2.2 Advantage of Dialectic Enquiry Advantage of Dialectic Enquiry is the consideration of facts from various angles and it generates more useful alternative solutions and can sometimes identify unnoticed opportunities. 1.2.3 Disadvantage of Dialectic Enquiry Disadvantage of Dialectic Enquiry is it endangers a person or a group of persons to reach its objectives or decision, from which certain assumptions have to be made and the assumptions might not be right. 1.3 Unbounded Systems Thinking Unbounded System Thinking was described as a new problem-solving method. Major Problem with Reliance Fresh Development A research shows that the company needs a well designed website with online store system, so that customer can check weather thing are present in stock. Main areas where the company is facing problems. Currently, the company, Reliance Fresh Development is facing a number of problems due to its manual sales system. The major problems due to lack of automated data store system are affecting the Services, payment system, and Customer Account of the company. With automated system its easier to keep record of customers Account, payment details and are easier to track product that order. It also takes less Hassel and space to handle customer account and records. Customer Account Currently company doesnt have any customer account as customer account system is required for regular customer through customer have to put there user name and password to log in their account and buy from online so easy to buy have not put their detail every time they visit. Where in store they just put customer id they get detail and can provide them discount for regular shopping from online or store. Payment System Company collect money from manually on store if customer buy from online they can pay from credit card or debit card directly instantly to company for daily customer buy from online data for product they buy each time come to know and can provide discount and other facility. Order Record As customer place an order for something online record should be there in system so we come to know last time which place what order and history each time buying form Reliance fresh and also provide order track system so customer can track their product where it reach and when going to reach destination. System Required for Implement in Store For Customer Account SQL or Oracle data base To run this system properly you will need a computer with Redhat 5.0 installed. The computer will probably need to be at least a Xeon processor with 4 GB of Random Access Memory with 1 TB Hardisk. Broadband Connection is required for connecting internet and other Brach network and main reliance server. For Printing record need Cannon or HP Laser Jet Printer will be needed. Benefit of Online Shopping The main advantage of online shopping is that it allows people to browse through many items and categories without leaving their house, to compare the prices of as many shops as they want, and also to order as many items as they can afford without having to worry about how they will transport them, because the online shopping websites also deliver the things to the buyers home. Furthermore, the Internet is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so you dont have to hurry or worry about finding a parking spot. The Internet allows you to easily compare products and prices, so you can be sure that the item you purchase is the exact item you want. Online merchants can publish much more information about their product on a website than they could affordably publish in a print catalog. And online stores give you the ability to share information and reviews with other shoppers who have firsthand experience with a product or retailer. External Environment Analysis Reason for Choosing India for Retail Market In India population ration is high and more over are middle class for that people reliance fresh is good because it provide product in less price then available in market, India is developing country and progress in economy strength, Reliance is gearing up to revolutionize the retailing industry in india.Towards this end, Reliance is aggressively working on introducing a pan-Indian network of retail in multiple formats, The retail initiative of reliance will be without a parallel in size and spread and make India proud. Economical Environment Companies across the globe are coming to realize the opportunity India presents, and are wasting no time in acting. Siemens of Germany, a company which produces and sells power plants, electric meters, hi tech medical equipment and mobile phones has big plans for India, India is a democracy of one billion people, and economic reform is a consensus shared by its many political parties. They have been quick to embrace free market enterprise, which has attracted a number of American corporations, including General Electric, General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, Johnson Johnson, and Microsoft, to name a few. Social Environment India perception and trends of the consumers have been changing owing to the liberalization and the changes in lifestyles. Another important aspect of society is the group. The performance of groups differs in individualistic and collectivist societies. The family is an important part of the social environment. It is a primary group and influences the consumption and buying behavior of consumers. The traditional family life cycle has been changing owing to the differing lifestyles. So, marketers have to analyze these trends and bring in products that are suitable to these changing consumer segments. Also jobs and workplaces have to be designed according to the changing lifestyles. Technology Environment Technological environment in India should be favourable to quality improvement, cost Reduction, introduction to new products In market. It should also lead to Industrial development with global competitiveness. In India, the government has setup large number of R D Activities, space research centres etc. for introduction of new technology in different areas. a long period of time, technological environment was not favourable for introduction of updated technology ion manufacturing activities. Funds Import Policies were not freely provided for import of updated foreign technology. Foreign collaboration joint ventures were also not freely allowed. Research development activities were not given encouragement through special facilities/concessions. This suggests that technological environment was not favourable to industrial growth till the Beginning of economic reforms and globalization by 1980s. Information Technology By the early 21st century, nearly every child in the Western world, and many in other parts of the world, knew how to use a personal computer. Businesses information technology departments have gone from using storage tapes created by a single computer  to interconnected networks of employee workstations that store information in a  server farm, often somewhere away from the main business site. Communication has advanced, from physical postal mail, to telephone fax transmissions, to nearly instantaneous digital communication through electronic mail (email). India continues to be the most preferred destination for companies looking to offshore their IT and back-office functions. It also retains its low-cost advantage and is among the most financially attractive locations when viewed in combination with the business environment it offers and the availability of skilled people, according to global management consultancy. Advantage of Information Technology Globalization   IT has not only brought the world closer together, but it has allowed the worlds economy to become a single interdependent system. This means that we can not only share information quickly and efficiently, but we can also bring down barriers of linguistic and geographic boundaries. The world has developed into a global village due to the help of information technology allowing countries like Chile and Japan who are not only separated by distance but also by language to shares ideas and information with each other.   Communication   With the help of information technology, communication has also become cheaper, quicker, and more efficient. We can now communicate with anyone around the globe by simply text messaging them or sending them an email for an almost instantaneous response. The internet has also opened up face to face direct communication from different parts of the world thanks to the helps of video conferencing.   Cost effectiveness   Information technology has helped to computerize the business process thus streamlining businesses to make them extremely cost effective money making machines. This in turn increases productivity which ultimately gives rise to profits that means better pay and less strenuous working conditions.   Accurate results Crucial decisions based on computer calculations are more likely to be correct than those based on human calculations. This is because the probability of errors in calculations by human beings is greater. Computers also help in taking a decision when faced with two or more alternatives. They do not need another day to rework the data if any variable is altered. Increase in standard of living cost savings achieved through optimal utilization of resources as suggested by computer calculations, result in lowering the prices of goods. In addition, networking has facilitated access to different markets across the globe, where competitive prices are available for similar goods. This helps buyer to get the best bargains, as similar products across globe have to be priced competitively. Disadvantage of Information Technology Unemployment   While information technology may have streamlined the business process it has also crated job redundancies, downsizing and outsourcing. This means that a lot of lower and middle level jobs have been done away with causing more people to become unemployed. Privacy   Though information technology may have made communication quicker, easier and more convenient, it has also bought along privacy issues. From cell phone signal interceptions to email hacking, people are now worried about their once private information becoming public knowledge. Lack of job security   Industry experts believe that the internet has made job security a big issue as since technology keeps on changing with each day. This means that one has to be in a constant learning mode, if he or she wishes for their job to be secure. Dominant culture   While information technology may have made the world a global village, it has also contributed to one culture dominating another weaker one. For example it is now argued that US influences how most young teenagers all over the world now act, dress and behave. Languages too have become overshadowed, with English becoming the primary mode of communication for business and everything else. Impact of Online Shopping on Reliance Fresh Order Placing process and receives immediate confirmations. Product review, Product Detail. The main advantage of  online  shopping  is that it allows people to browse through many items and categories without leaving their house, to compare the prices of as many shops as they want, and also to order as many items as they can afford without having to worry about how they will transport them, because the online shopping websites also deliver the things to the buyers home. Furthermore, the Internet is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so you dont have to hurry or worry about finding a parking spot. Easy Comparison Shopping, Better Selection. Can store their detail for regular customer. Secure bank payment system. Order can be track online 24/7. Future Technology Innovation Technological innovation in general and information technology (IT) applications in particular, have had a major effect in ecommerce and web. Technology change transforms the nature of the market place by making difference in cost feature product accessibility as movement toward new high technology which increase promise and implications on new tech. Revolutionary change in internet technology which make communication system better mobile technology is future as smart technology are coming in market and everything going to that like and advertisement are on internet . Redhat Linux are going to launch new version of OS work on mobile and slate (new tech) through mobile user can access site on their system and buy or place order directly from mobile. Web Security is now better for Reliance Fresh and future IT innovation. Technology Demand for Reliance Fresh. IT System are flexible to change any data and type of process . Technical skill and IT Professional staff training and perform. Change in technology and highly skilled workforce in different special area. Security of IT/IS is main for better performance and regularity needed in many times. Management of IT must make decisions based on traffic flow on site. Company performance to establish future IT development plans. Maintain IT/IS performance throughout the organization plans. Internal Resources, Competencies, and Capability of Reliance Fresh. Internal Resources Company resources are much limited as training to existing employees for this company has to collect fund from different sources like obtaining loan from a financial intuition or issuing their corporate bonds as this company have one option to issue corporate bonds as it also manage form Reliance Retail which is part of Reliance Group in order to implement the IT system in the organization must have to recruit new professional employees and also train existing employees. Competency Reliance Fresh are able to increases its business because of implementing new IT System as well as have a good location in every city of Indian state also have competition is high among Big Bazar ,eShop etc and has to satisfy their customer by giving best value and quality. Company has to make advertise in internet marketing and evaluate with other inside the same industry Have to satisfy their customer buy providing them best service and standard Enhance communication skill with customer visit on site or place order reply with e-mail. As website is effective tool in internet field and give opportunity to get into new market of online shopping and in internet technology world. Have to performer 24/7 service online from different site they provide. Capability Reliance Fresh can bring their business on top because of presence in market with huge reputation as millions of people visit to site of reliance because of presence in every city of Indian state it would be beneficial for company to bring their name in top street supermarket and provide an excellent opportunity to this company and give good standard and accommodation services. Branch in south can drive with huge business because of education presence people most like to proffered there site for online order. Benefits of Implementing The new IT/IS system IT system Features IT must easy for Professional to operate as well as for normal to update daily data have to pay for staff train in computing field its easy for staff to learn system data base update and new product arrive in market and add them in list of system database it also include automatic feature like printing letter and receipts this system is easy to learn. Customer Account Contain detail of customer for regular shopping and easy to order history and also buy multiple item at a same time also easy to review the product for specific customer or supply them different product also give schem like discount or put in prize draw for customer. Payment System From customer account payment detail is save on server on main brance which directly connect with bank system and easy to instant payment and get conformation not have to put detail many time only single time can buy multiple thing provide free credit depend on shopping and term and condition of company single method with security using web technology SSL security provide encryption no fraud are possible. Order Records Customer can trace order online and can cancel or change the order within give time in term and can directly talk to assistance which are present online for helping using system check order history .also reducing risk of fraud of product guarantee show product purchase date and insurance expire date on system easy for customer to make decision. System Specification Below the list of new system specification of new server for store. Account Product Enquiry:- Customer can enquiry about some electronic product as like laptop,mobile,TV,iPod,Camera,etc. Price Comparison:-In this task price of product can be compare with other sote presence in market. Product Reserved:It show wthere product are reserved or want to reserved for future. Stock present: Product showing online are present in stock or take time. Payment:Type of payment accept like visa,debit,credit etc. Customer Detail:Detail of customer for dispatching product Order Record: Include history of old product buy form this site and possible of discount offered by company if reach target of month or week. Check in :It kept record who have take visit of store and web site . Check out:It show which product are comeing soon in which are currently not present. Userfrendly system :Customer get easily whatever they want form site and searchable option to find any product easly it must be well graphically designed . Impact of IT Enable Services on the Reservation of Reliance Fresh. Positive Impact Main benefits of implementing IT system which enhance the company performance and customer. Expand of Company Business Earlier without IT system Reliance fresh have to get business form store onward and advertising in normal media and newspaper and TV ads marketing are not increase for making new development in field of marketing have to build online ecommercial site through which customer ration is going to rise ,as web site very helpful to rise business opportunity and make repudiated in internet world million of people visit site daily they can see and get idea about new product arrive in market via Reliance Fresh . Business rises by Web Site Developing website for Reliance Fresh will able to rise business opportunity it provide service worldwide not only in India ,It provide facility of Customer Accound,Detail ,Payment System and Order Record through which customer form remote country can place order and able to review the product and get best deal as well as price comparison so possibility is high of expanding business using IT also provide 24/7 service. Negative Impact There are bit of disadvantage of implementing IT base system like failure ,hacking site etc it must be considered before implementing a new system because it can be harmful to business . Hackig Hacker is dark light for business world it flow suddenly and brake business there are many type of threats in IT due to less security in system it cause serious damage to business , as they feel unsecure as using system a rliable way of identify threat is to classify them and stop to treat and flow to system . Threats Technical Failure: Through data may be loss or crash file present in system Infrastructure Failure: If customer is in half way to buy thing and sudden failure product are not listing and customer miss out that product. Human error: Main problem created by human are difficulty to recover loss. Effect/Probability/Action Grid Effect of Contingency Plan High: It recognize that a threat on Reliance fresh having high cost impact Medium: Try to reduce to risk to an acceptable stage. Low:Effect of risk are cut by administration need and approach structured Probability High: Scam, Virus, Credit Card Fraud, Hacking etc Medium: Single reply mail sends to multiple user. Low: Individual mistake. Task 4 System. A System is a set of interacting or interdependent entities that interact regularly to perform a task. Factors of System Development. Social, Technology, Economical are external factor effect business of Reliance Fresh. Staff should conduct IT Support Cooperative. Reliance Fresh Data are getting from Reliance Retail Manager and Staff. Reliance Fresh information are kept on Data base as well company member customer record. Soft System Methodology (SSM) Soft systems methodology (SSM) is an approach to solving complex unstructured human problem situations based on holistic analysis and systems thinking. SSM is a participatory methodology that helps different stakeholders to understand each others perspectives. It focuses on creating the human activity systems and human relationships needed for an organisation or group to achieve a common purpose. Systems thinking are a transdisciplinary field that has emerged in response to the limitations of a reductionist and narrowly technical approach to solving problems. SSM was developed during the 1980s as large organisations realised that top-down and highly mechanical approaches to organisational management were not working in a rapidly changing environment. SSM has been used to facilitate change processes in many large private and public sector organisations. Seven Stage of SSM. Define the Problem Situation of Reliance Fresh Express the Problem Situation of Reliance Fresh Creating root definitions of relevant system Making and testing conceptual models based upon worldviews Comparing conceptual models with reality Identifying Feasible and desirable changes Acting to improve the problem situation Define the problem of Reliance Fresh Reliance Fresh are facing problem with customer data storing on paper base but with IT can be transfer to system the main aim of Reliance Fresh to get customer record which are visit and stock in store are change are come through system as result Reliance Fresh is going to implement IT System to shoot out problem with customer data storing. Express the Problem situation of Reliance Fresh a rich picture It show the rich picture of developed that conveys the problem situation from different point of view and base on the perceive the situation and questioning. Information Report Financial inconsistency assessment Report and Examination of Information Initiate Decision Make Decision Policies Recommendations Creating root definitions of relevant systems   Root Definition is a structured description of a system (which is relevant to the problem). It is a clear statement of activities which take place (or might take place) in the organisation being studied. It is structured in such a way as to enable modelling the system. For root definition use CATWOE analysis Customer: Employer of Reliance Fresh can take benefit of newly developed technology or activities. Actors: The management of Reliance Fresh will take part in the application of these activites. Transformations Process: It described by the 5 criteria Efficacy means gives best solution for end of Reliance fresh problem Efficiency means to exposed least and necessary assets of the Reliance Fresh Effectiveness means IT system helps to achieve goals and Reliance Fresh Ethicality means the Reliance Fresh process must be use ethical limitations Elegance means the IT system will easy to use for staff of Reliance Fresh Weltanschauung: means world view will give a clear vision to under stand the problems of Reliance Fresh <

Friday, September 20, 2019

Trinidad And Tobago By World War II History Essay

Trinidad And Tobago By World War II History Essay World War 2, also known as the Second World War was the largest and most violent armed conflict in history which lasted for more than six years from 1939 to 1945, which produced approximately 50 million deaths. This war involved the most countries compared to any other war and introduced many weapons and ended with the first use of nuclear weapons. It began in Europe on September 1st, 1939 when the Germans invaded Poland without any formal declaration, while Britain and France as allies formally declared war on Germany and the latter was aided by Italy and Japan. However in the early 1930s, the war began earlier with Japanese interventions in China. In Europe the war ended on May 8th 1945 with Germany surrendering and in Asia on September 2nd, 1945 when the Japan officially surrendered. The purpose of this paper is to critique the view that World War II ushered in radical changes in Trinidad and Tobago, firstly I provided a brief history of World War II and how Trinidad became apart of it. Lastly I discussed the social, infrastructure, economic and cultural changes it brought in Trinidad and Tobago. The research method employed in this paper was a form of non-experimental research as secondary data was collected in order to evaluate the changes World War II to brought to Trinidad and Tobago. In carrying out this research, a major limitation was that information on the research topic was not easily available both on the internet and libraries and it is therefore recommended schools and national libraries encompass more resources on Trinidad and Tobagos history. History of World War II On September 1st, 1939 Adolf Hitler and his German Nazis invaded  Poland and attacked from their battle ship. The Germans were equipped with a substantial and well-organized general and soldiers causing Poland to surrender. In turn the next day Britain and France formally declared war against Germany and swore their allegiance as a result of defending democracy. Germany was later on joined by Japan and Italy to suppress the rest of the world, they were known as the Axis powers. Against them were the allies; the United Kingdom, France and many others that came later. The United Stated of America remained neutral with the passage of the Neutrality Act of 1937, making it unlawful for the United States to trade with combative groups. However on December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked the American base of Pearl Harbor in the Hawaii islands thereby the Americans entered into war against the Axis. The United States of American was determined to restrain the Axis powers with their massive economic resources and in the end won the war for the Allies and collapsed the Axis powers. The Germans surrendered to the United States of America and their allied forces and the war in Europe was over and a couple months after Japan surrendered after attacking Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In order for United Stated of America to defeat the Axis powers, they outsourced countries to set up base, Trinidad was on of them in which had a major impact on the country socially, culturally, economically and racially. World War II today continues to receive much interest as it left many political, social and military implications throughout the World. Trinidad and World War II Trinidad played an important role in the Allied war effort, in doing so World War II had a significant impact on the social, economic, racial and cultural development of Trinidad. On September 2, 1940, nearly a year after the World War II began, British government, Prime Minister Winston Churchill agreed to allow the United States of America military to establish and operate bases in several British Caribbean territories. On October, 10 1940, a memorandum was sent to the Governor of Trinidad and Tobago by Admiral John W. Greenslade of the United States of America stating his visit to Trinidad for the purpose of investigating the location and facilities to be leased to the United States of America for naval and air bases and army establishments. The memorandum included the request for location near shore, areas for defence, training, and storage of supplies, hospitalization, landing fields, and fleet anchorage. The Governor of Trinidad and Tobago, Sir Hubert Young along with his advis ors Mr. Grinnell and Mr. Beard questioned a number of facilities requested by the United States and proposed an alternative site, the Caroni Swamp. The United Stated engineer, Commander Bragg, stated that the current state of the Caroni Swamp at the time was unfeasible for military intent and would take fifteen years to drain and construct to meet the requirement for the military use. In addition Governor Young was aware that the local population would resent the idea of using North West Peninsula and as a result cause friction, however the United States government were adamant on setting up their bases on Wallerfield / Sangre Grande and Chagaramas. The British Government and the United States of America agreed on a Bases for Destroyers Agreement in which the United States was granted British islands to establish their naval or air bases on ninety-nine year free leases on the Newfoundland, Eastern side of the Bahamas, Southern coast of Jamaica, Western cost of St. Lucia, West coast of Trinidad, Antigua and British Guiana in exchange for fifty destroyers which was also referred to as the flush-deck destroyers or the four-pipers. In Trinidad the North West Peninsula including the Five Island in Chaguaramas (See Appendix A) and Waller field were leased to the United States for naval and air base, this resulted in the removal of North West Peninsula residents. Britains motive for entering into the bases for destroyers agreement was an attempt both to strengthen its forces and to enlist the United States in the defense of its colonial territories. British Prime Minister Churchill cautioned American President Franklin D. Roosevelt that if Britain was defeated, its colonial islands close to America could become as threat to America if they became German territory. Therefore the United States of America was initially a neutral party during the first two years of the war and their aim for the deal was made not only to better the Allies chances against the Axis but also to ensure that no other European power gained a stronghold in the Americas. Trinidad was the assembly point for the vital oil tankers; the governments political alliance with the United States did not directly put at the country at risk however the construction of the American bases had a remarkable socio-economic impact on the country. According to Brereton, Trinidad played the following significant roles during the war in assisting the United States; it was the convoy-assembly point transmitting tankers from the Caribbean oil ports across the Atlantic to North Africa and Europe, secondly the Gulf of Paria was used by US carriers and airplanes for their final exercises before going to the Pacific Battleground via the Panama Canal. Thirdly planes for the Eighth Army in North Africa were ferried through Trinidad and lastly vessels and civilian planes from South America had to stop at Trinidad for clearance to proceed to North America and European destinations (Brereton, 1982). Economic Changes The American Base in Trinidad had a number of positive and negative effects on the countrys economy, infrastructure, social and cultural aspects, each one will be discussed separately. Locals were thrilled by the opportunities in which the American Base would bring, according to Neptune (1970) both Indo-Trinidadian cane cutters and Afro-Trinidadian domestic servants were ready take advantage of what they expected to be more remunerative U.S. employers. He made reference to Ralph De Boissiers Rum and Coco Cola narration the rosiest illusions about the chances awaiting them. (Neptune, 1970). At the same time planters were disgruntled since they believed workers would abandon the state to work on the American base. To assist the planters, Governor Young consulted the American authorities to implement the prevailing wages policy in which they agreed to adhere to the local pay scale that preceded their arrival in the colony, Trinidad employers were pleased however workers were disappointed (Neptune, 1970). In May 1942, the Americans requested authorization from the Trinidad Governor to increase wages, stating it was necessary to acquire base labour. According to Neptune, some ignored the colonial administration by paying unskilled and semiskilled labourers the rates of a skilled worker. There were a number of major positive effects of the American base in Trinidad. According to Neptune although the base did not offer high wagers as workers expected the Yankee in which locals referred the Americans as enticed the locals to work on the American base as the American boss were rewarding, they offered overtime and holiday bonus. The American base employed more that 15,000 workers in formal positions within six months of construction of the base, the number working informally from show-shine boys to portraits artist was incalculable. The number of employees rose to 25,000 six months later including clerks, teachers and policeman. Neptune went on to say where trained teachers had a salary of $30 a month, they made between $80 and a $150 dollars per month clerking for Americans. In addition in 1940 only 5 officers left the service , where as in 1941 a total of 21 left and for the first two months of 1942 the figure had already reached 24 (Neptune, 1970). The construction of the American base created a large opportunity of employment for the locals According to Brereton, 1982 between 15 and 20 percent of the labor force were employed on the American base. The wages increased thereby increased rural-urban migration causing a shortage of agricultural labor as sugar employment dropped from 30,000 in 1939 to 18,000 in 1943 (Brereton, 1982). World War II resulted in a slower trade around the world and thereby changed production in Trinidad and Tobago, agricultural exports decreased. According to the Library of Congress, 1987 during the 1950s, agricultures share of total output dropped from 17 to 12 percent Trinidad and Tobago was a crown colony and therefore it served as a market for British products. According to Horne (2003) a large number of foods was imported along with books, fabrics, footwear, equipment and tools. Furthermore the Americans occupied agricultural areas such as Valencia which provided fruits; vegetables and carenage for fishing however German submarines invaded the waters during the war and ships were torpedoed causing a shortage in food. This led to a new system of retailing fish and crops and the cost of living rose. On the contrary, the oil industry experienced a boom, according to the Library of Congress (1987), the real gross domestic product increased an average of 8.5 percent annually from 1951 to 1961 and growth averaged 10 percent annually from 1956 to 1961. The real per capita income increased 15 percent. Oil, construction, and manufacturing emerged as dominant industrial sectors. In 1956 a United States oil company, Texaco, entered Trinidad and Tobago and consolidated several holdings of other companies. Oil production jumped from under 60,000 barrels per day prior to 1950 to 80,000 barrels per day toward the end of the decade. In addition, the price of oil continued to rise, allowing for increased oil earnings and growing government revenues (Library of Congress, 1987). Prior to the Americans in Trinidad, more than 10,000 poor women were employed in domestic work, by teenage years; girls had already mastered cooking, cleaning, ironing, and laundering. According to Neptune domestic work accounted for 36% of the islands wages-earning females in the 1930s; however these women endured terrible working conditions in which they worked from dawn till late night for $4 to $10 dollar. In the midst of American arrival where no prevailing wages policy, they offered higher rates than the British and thereby servants began deserting the British colonial employers. According to Neptune, the colonys housewives were in a frenzy causing social friction between Americans and understaffed Trinidadians. However it drove the administration to establish a vocational education committee to oversee the training of domestic workers to improve the dispute between servants and their employers. The American base also brought on a spending economy where there was a boost in the services such as hotels, bars and small businesses. The American base in Trinidad also brought on negative effects on the economy, according to Horne (2003) the government of Trinidad and Tobago incurred a number of expense during the stay of the American Base. The government had to maintain and upkeep the roads used freely by the American official vehicles stationed at the bases, because the agreement exempt from license and registration fees. Secondly the government had to maintain the airport and maintenance cost increased due to the damage to the runaways from heavy military planes. Thirdly the landing and parking fees of the aircraft were free, moreover Trinidad revenue suffer since the government lost 1 million dollars in revenue from excise duties through the delivery at each Base of 10 million gallons of gasoline, 1 million gallons of kerosene duty free( Horne, 2003). Infrastructure The building of the American base launched extensive infrastructure projects for example construction of better roads, causing construction to more than double in over ten years. The American Navy Construction Brigade constructed road to Maracas Bay as compensation for the loss of North West Peninsula (Brereton, 1982) Manufacturings output, encouraged by generous fiscal incentives since 1950, also increased rapidly, although its share of gross domestic product rose from 11 to 13 percent. (Library of Congress, 1987). Culture The American culture also impacted on Trinidad such as their dress mode in which locals admired and adopted. According to Harvey Neptune in November 1939, a small number of Port of Spain office workers issued a plea for cooler dressing; their request was ignored until the arrival of the Americans. On September 16 1941, a policy was created declaring coat, tie and long pants optional work wear and the acceptance of open neck shirts and short pants. Neptune stated that the some expressed grief, saying it was a breakdown of standard respectability and policy for dress reform showed the government supported social disorder. A number of critics who were committed to the British dress style protested against the governments decision, a Port of Spain layer and city deputy, Leo Pujadas, expressed his anger with the dress reform policy saying it was a drastic change and would weaken the social standard of traditional dress. The dress reform was linked to the Yankee culture, in which they would go to church wearing short-sleeved shirts that was out of their pants and no coats. According to Neptune, Pujadas viewed that it was a way of emulating the irresponsible Americans and hoped that Trinidadians continued to adopt the Europeans fashion style. Another critic expressed his view that with the dress reform people would not be able to distinguish the lads from the grownups and others saw it as a decline of civilization (Neptune, 1970). In today society, Trinidadians dress code is unconventional and westernized; this is dated back from World War II and has become prominent with easier access to westernized culture particularly the United States of America. Social Changes The American base did not only trigger drastic economical and infrastructural changes in Trinidad, it also generated substantial social transformation. Traditionally women who bears a child out of wedlock was looked down on, however to the people who came to work on the bases held that position that a young woman did not have to wait till marriage to carry a child. Secondly with the large number of American soldiers entering the country, prostitution became prominent, and brothels were constructed nearby the base. Calypso in Trinidad was a medium of story telling events in the society, Calypsonians during this time sang about the increase of prostitution with the building of the American base. Lord Invaders song, Rum and Coca Cola (See Appendix B) in 1943 proclaimed women in Trinidad working for American money which referred to the enormous increase in Trinidadian women who were making their living as prostitutes with American soldiers as their clients. His lyrics stated If a Yankee comes to Trinidad, they got the young girls all going mad, Young girls say they treat them nice and Both mother and daughter, Working for the Yankee dollar (ITZCaribbean, 2004). These lyrics illustrate the locals referring the American soldiers as Yankees, and it talks about women working for American soldiers referring to prostitution. In 1945, an American group called the Andrews Sisters sang over the song which became a hit in the United States. In 1956, another calypsonian known as The Mighty Sparrow released a song called Jean and Dinah (See Appendix C) also proclaiming prostitution during and after the closing of the American base. His words were Well the girls in town feeling bad, No more Yankees in Trinidad. They going to close down the base for good, Them girls have to make out how they could and So when you bounce up Jean and Dinah, Rosita and Clementina, round the corner posing, Bet your life is something they selling, And if you catch them, You can get them all for nothing, Dont make no row, the Yankees gone, Sparrow take over now (elyrics, 2000)Again in sparrow lyrics American soldiers are referred to as Yankees, in addition he spoke about the large scale prostitution that the bases once supported and the desperation of these prostitutes following the closure of several American military bases  in Trinidad in the post war period. The American base did not only bring social issues to Trinidad but musicians were able to create music from American materials, according to Horne (2003) when the British captured Trinidad from Spain the Carnival festival was allowed to continue. Musicians at the time of poor areas used dry bamboo sticks as percussion instruments to accompany their parades however these illegal. With World War II and the entering of the Americans in Trinidad who brought fifty-five gallon steal oil drums, the Trinidadian musicians improvised and used these drums. They made dents, various cavities such as depth and shallow as well as different sizes which produced various musical sounds and scales. Musicians were poor and no formal musical training however they were able to coordinate and memorize the musical notes, thus the steel band was born (Horne, 2003). Today steel band is very popular and developed not only in Trinidad and Caribbean Islands but it is known throughout the world Another impact of the American base in Trinidad was the locals view on the American status. Trinidadians were not only attracted to the wages offered by the Americans, locals were in elated of the American outlook towards the base, Locals drawn towards the American base because of the adventure of the employment in which the base offered. According to Neptune working for Americans presented the opportunity to participate in an exciting new world and the desire for liberty and novelty by young people were satisfied by working on the base. Neptune referenced Samuel Selvons, A Brighter Sun, a story in about an Indo-Trinidadian called Bunsee become comically pompous and fancied himself as a man of prestige because had an office job with the Americans. The story demonstrated how American employment satisfied ambitions for progress into a modern world. Neptune also made reference to V.S Naipuals Miguel Street demonstrating the downside of the America base, in which the story talk about a c haracter Hat, who appreciated that the American base was not here forever and it would not be smart to give up their jobs. Neptune also stated that other locals stayed away because base work was not in harmony with traditional concept of respectability (Neptune, 1970). The American base also brought crime and violence, during the American stay in Trinidad, the governor allowed the entry of Barbados immigrants to work for the Americans, In March 1942, a totally of 2,000 laborers came to Trinidad to work for the American at a rate of $1.19 (Neptune, 1970), with this the Americans layed off over a hundred locals thereby causing antagonism towards the Barbadians by the locals. On April 3, 1942, a group of Barbadians workers attacked and injured a number of locals at the Arima Princess cinema. The U.S authorities in an attempt to keep peace among the locals and issued a public notice stating that Barbadians were not the reason for the laying off the locals however the British sent home the Barbados workers to reduce the risk of violence. Secondly, racial tension emerged; locals were aggravated with American men since women were lured to them and would prostitute themselves. American were seen as superior by locals since they earned enormous amounts of m oney, in addition, their fashion and language were all factors that the locals admired. Conclusion World War II profoundly transformed the economy and society of Trinidad and Tobago as an outcome of the Base for Destroyers Agreement between the United States of America and Britain. Both positive and negative effects of the American base were evident. The American base in Trinidad made immense changes in the trade industry in which agriculture decreased and oil boomed. A large number of employment opportunities were created on the base as well as increased wages for workers on the base as well as domestic workers. The American base created the rise in prostitution and violence however it also created development of steel pan, according to Brereton (1982) it dismissed the myths of white supremacy as they, too, performed manual labor and consumed their earnings alongside Trinidadians. Brereton also went on to state that the presence of the United States helped prepare the country for the new era of mass electoral political (Brereton, 1982). The Americans in Trinidad also influenced t he locals style of fashion; locals also admired the American competence, technological advancement and status. Although the government suffered revenue due to maintenance of road and airports, the beneficial influence the American had on Trinidad was much greater.